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Happy 15th anniversary, Bitcoin!
At October 31, 2008, the paper on the theoretical invention of Bitcoin was published.
"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" by Satoshi Nakamoto who proposed the creation of the first system exchange of electronic money between equals, which would work in a decentralized way and without the need for the intervention of banks or financial institutions. WOW!
At J
anuary 3, 2009, two months later, the first cryptocurrency was officially born through the creation of the first block of the Bitcoin Blockchain, also called the genesis block or zero block, that came with a curious message: the headline of The Times newspaper of that day.
After 16 years and til 20250227
_0854am_UTC-3 with 885555 mined blocks and a Bitcoin blockchain size of 691 GB, we celebrate that brilliant mind!

NEW Chat with our friends:

Notes on Altcoin Mining.pdf

Click to download PDF

Some points on Miners

You have to fight against your antivirus because it detects miners as a virus (false positive)
1 go to miner's page

2 download zip miner file

3 antivirus alert

4 zip miner file is in quarantine

5 restore from quarantine

6 put zip miner file in the list of real time protection excluded files

7 unzip

8 miner exe file is in quarantine

9 repeat steps 5 6 for miner exe file

Mining right now with low resources!!!
Altcoins with low difficulty level to mine:


QUIX via CPU wallet-mining
in the wallet console introduce:

setgenerate true 6  
setgenerate false  to stop mining

in a pool (goto & choose)









Download and read the paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" by Satoshi Nakamoto

GPU Miner CryptoDredge    #last version 0.25.1

GPU Miner ccminer-2.3.1-cuda10

by Tpruvot & Cbuchner software   #to mine scrypt algo

GPU Miner Z-Enemy    

#last version z-enemy-2.3-win-cuda10.1

GPU Miner T-Rex    #last version 0.22.1  

#read Readme file to see which algos can mine 
(t-rex-0.19.14-win-cuda11.1 can mine x25x algo)


(5-19) | Litecoin LTC MimbleWimble Protocol | Upgrade in

New POW cryptocoin YescriptR16 CPU & GPU mining


Reacoin REAN      click para mas info

or download the zip wallet program from litecoin-project in: 

After 19May2022 if you upgrade to a MimbleWimble Litecoin LTC core wallet v0.21.2
you must to sync your new wallet from scratch
- wallet needs to download full LTC blockchain-
0.- Please: backup your wallet.dat file located in litecoin\wallets subdirectory.

This file saves your LTC coins !!!
1.- download the zip wallet program from litecoin-project:
for ex. , (32.4 MB). 
2.- Unzip and run litecoin-qt.exe  located in ..\litecoin-0.21.2-win64\litecoin-0.21.2\bin
3.- wait until full synchronization
4.- close your wallet program MimbleWimble LTC core wallet v0.21.2
5.- replace wallet.dat generated for the new wallet with your wallet.dat file backed up -with your coins- done in 0.-
6.- run the wallet again 
7.- you are ready to send and receive LTC coins with your new MW LTC core v0.21.2 wallet

If something fails in step 3.-
3bis.- close the new wallet program
4bis.- please donate 9.90 for the 9 decrypt codes we send by mail to download the full LTC in 9 zipped files of the LTC blockchain saved til 20230111 and follow the steps therein "How to" in,

to copy and replace all the LTC blockchain files zipped and downloaded from Mega NZ 
5.- , 6.- and 7.- 

Litecoin LTC

Follow Crypto Blockchain Download Store in:

  • Instagram
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LTC Blockchain MimbleWimble wallet version synced   til date: 20240314_1131pm UTC-3   

blocks: 2650125  size: 158 GB   

Información importante para residentes de la
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires CABA, Argentina !


Asistencia y Soporte para la compra de Bitcoin BTC,
Litecoin LTC, Ethereum ETH,
a través del site

(bajaron el mínimo a depositar a u$s 5000 y las comisiones)

El 22 de Junio de 2021 el precio de Bitcoin tocó un valor mínimo en varios meses de
1 BTC = u$s 28.862 a las 10AM hora de Buenos Aires.
A las 02PM rebotó y está en u$s 32.360
Tal es la volatilidad del precio de BTC que el 14 de Abril de 2021 a las 09AM su precio estuvo en u$s 64.852 !!!
El 23Ago BTC cotizó a u$s 50.513
Con la expectativa de que el precio de Bitcoin llegue a u$s 100.000 antes de fin de año, según algunos analistas como @PlanB, con su modelo predictivo S2FX Stock to Flow Model, te pregunto: 

No es este el momento de invertir en Bitcoin?
Pero ... cómo hacerlo?

womencoin pic 230x200.jpg

By a week in
we celebrate Women !
We love Women, we discuss our lives with them and share a bit of felicity and love on the way

If you are a Woman or if you feel like a Woman, we have a present to you
Just sending an email with the subject: "Thanks, I'm a Woman" or
"Thanks, I feel like a Woman, every days or some days" and you will receive 
Womencoin Blockchain for free to fast sync your Womencoin Wallet
Today, 11Oct2024 in the exchange, 1 Womencoin cost 1 satoshi

Isn't it time to buy and HODL some Womencoin cryptocoins ?

It's simple: if all of you buy 10 bucks of Womencoin in ,
price will explode to the Moon and then Mars! and you win!!! 

1.-  you must to install the womencoin wallet

Click icon to download wallet


2.-  run the installer womencoin-qt- and choose the default location

3.-  if your antivirus detects the wallet installer as a virus, it is a false positive, so restore it and put in the list of the excluded files it analize in real time

4.-  run the installer womencoin-qt- again until a window of the wallet appear. Close the wallet. You can see in C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\WOMENCOIN the files and the directory structure created where womencoin blockchain will be saved and a file called wallet.dat where your womencoin cryptocoins will be saved

Thanks for your visit!
In a cyberworld plenty of scammers and unscropulous exchanges that leave with your money, you can decide to use a cryptocoin official core wallet by developers provided to save, send & receive your coins, as the Bitcoin Core v27.0.0 wallet.
But, the program of the digital wallet, to get available, must to download the complete cryptocoin blockchain.
We call this "sync the wallet" with the network peers.
This is a general behaviour for all the cryptocoin's wallets 
And in some cases, you must wait a long time to sync! 

In and for each cryptocurrency we save the files of the blockchain at some point and we explain how to use our compressed and updated files to download them, replace the ones you have on your PC and thus synchronize the wallet faster!
The donations as we ask for, are for the time we saves to you to sync your wallet and manage your coins on your own securily and privately way, without thirdy parties intermediation.

Honestly, I don't know how much it cost a GB of cryptocoin blockchainfile saved to download !
Email what you can donate and download the crypto blockchain you desire to sync your wallet faster !  We will support you !
Specially if you are from a developing country or you have no money!

@clvigo in twitter - @clviggo in instagram - DrViggo in facebook -
Crypto Blockchain Download Store in facebook

5.-  click button to download via Mega NZ
the zipped Womencoin Blockchain saved til 20241011

6-  unzip the zipped file downloaded and copy & replace
the directories
database, txleveldb and the file blk0001.dat on which same directories and file you have in your PC in C:\Users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\WOMENCOIN

7.-  run womencoin-qt- and wait to full sync of the wallet.
That's all. You are able to send & receive Womencoins in your wallet

cryptocoin blockchains at your hands laser eyes memed io.jpeg

Stock-to-Flow Creator @PlanB Says '$288K Still in Play,' Mike McGlone Sees an 'Ace up Bitcoin's Sleeve' the site that offer the complete Bitcoin Blockchain to download and sync Bitcoin Qt core official wallet v27.0.0 in an affordable time. BB date: 20250227_0854am UTC-3  -  blocks: 885555 - size: 691 GB
Help to mantain the Bitcoin independent peers network using your full node Bitcoin Qt core official wallet v27.0.0 synced

FYI To a better connection & sync, add these lines to bitcoin.conf file -one for each addnode- and put in ../bitcoin directoryaddnode=  -   addnode=  -   addnode=  -   addnode=  -   addnode=  -  addnode=  -   addnode=  -   addnode=  -   addnode=  -   addnode=  - addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=

Click icon to download wallet

Bitcoin BTC

still don't have your official core wallet synced of:

Litecoin LTC
Dogecoin DOGE

After you pay/donate, and with a reasonable delay, we will send you the decryption codes by mail so that you can download the zipped blockchain files via Mega


Click to Pay/Donate for the Blockchain

via PayPal Add to Cart

Instructions on How to use our zipped files of Ravencoin Blockchain to sync your wallet faster. In the page Blockchains, at the bottom, if you click on each crypto big Icon you will find instructions for each cryptocoin 

Doge memed-io-output1.jpeg

Dogecoin DOGE Blockchain: ready to download all of our 152 GB in 12 zip files of the Dogecoin Blockchain?
download & install Dogecoin Qt Core Wallet v1.14.7.0 + download our zipped Dogecoin blockchain 152 GB until 20240318_0440pm UTC-3  blocks: 5134941 + unzip & copy & replace all the files of the DB as we indicate + wait a minutes to a full synchronization of the Dogecoin Qt wallet   
FYI To a better connection & sync add these lines to dogecoin.conf file -one for each addnode-
addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=   -   addnode=

Dogecoin Blockchain offer!!!

Thanks to Laser Eyes Meme Maker
#LaserEyesTil100K        #LaserRayUntil100K

2 Helpful tip Doge Shiba 1.14.5.JPG

on 7jan21 BTC touched 40K,

on 21jan21 down to 31k,

on 30mar21 58K

on 19oct21 62K, on 9nov 68k and ...

it is btc, HODL !!!

el 7ene21 BTC tocó los 40K, el 21ene21 bajo a 31k,

el 30mar21 58K

el 19oct21 62K, el 9nov 68k  y ...

es btc, HODL !!!

something is happening in the world - welcome visitors !

mapa memed jeringa Covid19 Laser Eyes BTC LTC icons blockchaindownload store users.jpg

Let's talk a little:

When using a digital wallet to store your cryptocurrencies, provided by their own developers -official core wallet-, you must wait a while until a complete synchronization of the blockchain

bitcoin blockchain reach 691 gb !!!

Blocks: 885555  time: 20250227_0854am UTC-3   size: 691 GB

In and for each cryptocurrency we save the files of the blockchain at some point and we explain how to use our compressed and updated files to download them, replace the ones you have on your PC and thus synchronize the wallet faster.

Visit the Bitcoin Blockchain download page  !!!

Manage yourself your Bitcoins :

  Learn how to install the Bitcoin Wallet 

  Learn which files the Bitcoin Blockchain contains

As an example: synchronize the Bitcoin wallet v27.0.0 -Bitcoin Core Wallet- which today 27Feb2025 weighs approx. 691 GB, it takes a week, but if you download our compressed files from the Bitcoin blockchain, you can sync the wallet in about 10 hours.

When you install a cryptocurrency digital wallet on your computer, there is a very important file that you should always make a backup and save outside the computer, which is called wallet.dat   Your cryptocurrencies are stored in that file !!!

If for some reason your computer or cell phone is damaged or it is stolen, you can install the digital wallet from scratch on another computer or cell phone and since you have your wallet.dat file of your coins, you can recover them.
In addition, as the wallet can be protected with a password, nobody will be able to steal your coins.

Conclusion: always make a backup of wallet.dat and also save in another place and in a text file, the strong password of your wallet

A super cool video of digital wallets is seen at
However, it does not refer to the use of the official wallets of the developers of cryptocurrencies.

For this reason, offers you the possibility to learn how to manage your cryptocurrencies yourself, without third-party intermediation, in a completely anonymous and private way, whatever the spirit of Bitcoin's creation. by Satoshi Nakamoto late 2009

Navigate to learn and manage your cryptocoins and see blockchains available for download:
Bitcoin Blockchain, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Digibyte, CannabisCoin, Zcash, Zcoin=Firo, Tent, Verge, etc..

Offers in BlockchainDownload.Store !!!!      pls. click to see more
. Bitcoin Blockchain 999.00 bucks! (20250227_0854am UTC-3)  
. Litecoin Blockchain 299.00 bucks!  (20240314_1131pm UTC-3)  
. Digibyte Blockchain 99.90 bucks! (20240320_0046am UTC-3)   
. Dash Blockchain 99.90 bucks! (20221222_1238pm UTC-3)  
. Cannabiscoin Blockchain 2.90 bucks!  (20230206_0820am UTC-3)  offer !
. Zcash Blockchain 9.90 bucks! (20221205_0331am  UTC-3)   
. Dogecoin Blockchain 99.90 bucks!  (20240318_0440pm UTC-3)    
. Firo Blockchain 99.90 bucks! (20231215_0045am UTC-3)   
. Sugarchain Blockchain 6.90 bucks! (20230411_0251pm UTC-3) 
. Komodo Blockchain 9.90 bucks! (20230105_0143pm UTC-3)  
. Raven Blockchain 6.90 bucks!  (20230105_0539am UTC-3)  
. Quarkcoin Blockchain 4.90 bucks! (20230105_0345am UTC-3)   
. Ycash Blockchain 99.90 bucks! (20231224_0922am UTC-3)  
. Verge Blockchain 4.90 bucks! (20230105_0246am UTC-3)  
. Vertcoin Blockchain 2.90 bucks! (20230105_0237am UTC-3)   offer !
. Womencoin Blockchain 0.00 bucks! (20241011_0422am UTC-3)   giveaway !

By cost stuffs, we have some delays to deliver your decrypt codes requested. This site work with your confidence and our reputation We always give you the codes by email after your pay/donation or for free
Please, only is a matter of time. Thanks in advance !!!!!!

Alert: it seems that Kimora coin is DEAD!!! However, this example can be extrapolated to mine other cryptos
How to mine Cryptocoins. Example: Kimora coin
How to install a wallet from the scratch
If you experience wallet sync troubles, re-install the wallet from the scratch, download our updated crypto blockchain and sync your wallet faster !!!
For your Blockchain downloads, Girls, Guys, we need your help and support!
We share with you our vision of accumulating cryptocurrencies and winning in the future.

We want to know about you, and as you can see, and to include more and more people, some of the encrypted downloads are free, except for the very large Blockchains.

Ask by email for each Cryptocurrency Code.
Meanwhile ... please donate a couple of dollars for our community to grow!
If you can not, or do not want, no problem, it's all right!
Learn, use and enjoy, friendly !!
Thanks to all our donators and contributors !!! 
to donate, please send cryptos to the following addresses:
Bitcoin BTC :    bc1q0kju0rlja59wlrwmc5c9mjtqnydftrwp7ptg5w
Litecoin LTC :   LPv2AW3BUSseXbZXpvZQtmrkSLL79AW6Xh
BitcoinCash BCH :   qqvstf9an8hqtcg2he36qy5gqh227jcd2q4hhjc4rv
Ethereum ETH :   0xBa115b76D72dC1166F86CD9Bd4aE66208376432c

or via 

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Donate with PayPal
PayPal y tarjetas de credito.JPG

If you Pay/Donate ask by email for your Blockchain decrypt Code

please send us an email completing this form:

Thanks for your message!

New service at !
New in BlockchainDownload.Store:  Ycash
Ycash Blockchain 99.90 bucks (20231224_0922am  UTC-3)
If you have enough resources ...
(25 Mbps to download or more)
Download our very big Blockchains,
the so called "Big Blockchains"!
and with your official core wallet

take control of your coins !!
If Available is "No" please ask and
we upload for you to download via Mega Direct Download Encrypted !!!
Imagen dataset_1396.jpg
* ETD; Estimated time to download in min at 25 Mbps
approx. 1 GB / 120 sec
Blockchain Bitcoin
aeon.conf file
Blockchain Litecoin
Blockchain DOGEcoin
Blockchain ZCash
Blockchain Dash
Blockchain Digibyte
Blockchain Komodo
Blockchain Decred
Blockchain Raven
Blockchain Tent
Blockchain Monacoin
Blockchain Zcoin

to Download Wallets, scroll down bellow to the right


---> born Firo

click or tap icon to download Blockchain
a man downloading blockchains meanwhile is listening "So What", the best song of the jazz music from the history ...



at your


low cost - low energy consumption
country flags 22-Peru_120x80.jpg
country flags 23-Brasil_120x80.png
country flags 24-El Slavador_120x80.jpg
mining low difficulty level coins

Aguante Peru !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

Aguante Brasil !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

Aguante El Salvador !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

Blockchain Taler
Blockchain Actinium
Blockchain Predator
Blockchain Exosis
Blockchain Brazio
Blockchain UraniumX
Blockchain Bankitz
Blockchain Buenos
Blockchain MANO
Blockchain BSGcoin
Blockchain VIOG
Blockchain GyMoney
Blockchain Sono
Blockchain FxTC
Blockchain Gentarium
Blockchain Stim
Blockchain IQCash
Blockchain Bata
Blockchain JagaricoinR
Blockchain Vertical
Blockchain NYXCoin
Blockchain Quix
Blockchain Wavi
Blockchain Yenten
Blockchain Trivechain
Blockchain Help The Homeless
Blockchain Agena
Blockchain Agetron
Blockchain Sinovate
Blockchain Vidulum
country flags 21-Colombia_120x80.jpg

Aguante Colombia !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!


Aguante Rusia !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

country flags 17-Ecuador_120x80.jpg

Aguante Ecuador !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

Blockchains updated at least weekly

country flags 13-Venezuela flag
country flags 18-Bolivia_120x80.jpg

Aguante Venezuela !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

Aguante Bolivia !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

country flags 19-Uruguay_120x80.jpg

Hermanos Uruguayos!

No vieron lo que le paso a Argentina con los neo-liberales? Ahora, a resistir!!!


mining Zoon from wallet - wallet mining.
chaleco amarillo France chico.jpg
country 120x80 flags 8-France flag.jpg

Résistez la plebe du France et leurs gilets jaunes!!!

country flags 1-Argentina_120x80.jpg

Aguante Argentina !!!  Otra vez van a chocar la calesita!!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

country flags 16-Chile_120x80.jpg

Aguante Chile !!!

Estamos con tu pueblo!

USA flag.jpg

Resist the people of the USA. We are with your people !!!

Earn coins of cryptocurrencies alternative to Bitcoin with your PC and NVIDIA/AMD card, mining at low difficulty level to mine, i.e. low energy cost

Your wallet broke?

Install from the scratch and download our updated Blockchain to fast sync your wallet

1. download wallet

2. download our updated Blockchain for your wallet          choosed

3. unzip and copy and paste Blockchain's folders and        files choosed in the right directory  - see instructions

    of "How to do" for each cryptocoin to synchronize            your wallet faster with the blockchain network

4. to mine, choose and go to a mining pool 

    - -

Even using our updated blockchain to synchronize quickly, the process stopped ...
you have to include addnode peers in the conf file of your wallet
- see bellow, to the left -

Please see which cryptocurrencies are dead or
have syncing troubles

(Tap here)

click or tap icon to download wallet
Wallet 42coin
Wallet ExperienceXP
Wallet Snowgem
Wallet 808coin
Wallet Folm
Wallet Stim
Wallet Aeon
Wallet FxTC
Wallet Taler


Wallet Actinium
Wallet Gentarium
Wallet Trivechain
Blockchain Zcoin
Wallet Argentum
Wallet Gincoin
Wallet UFO
Wallet GyMoney
Wallet UraniumX
Wallet Brazio
Wallet Help The Homeless
Wallet Verge

---> born Firo

Wallet Buenos
Wallet IQCash
Wallet Vertcoin
Wallet B3coin
Wallet JagaricoinR
Wallet Vidulum
Wallet Bulwark
Wallet Litebitcoin
Wallet VIOG
Wallet Bata
Lux Wallet
Wallet Votecoin
Wallet Bitconnect
Wallet Minexcoin
Wallet Womencoin
Wallet Bitcore
Wallet MANO
Wallet Wavi
Wallet Buzzcoin
Wallet Motion
Wallet Yenten
Wallet Bankitz
Wallet MoonDEX
Wallet BSGcoin
Wallet Nevacoin
Wallet Zcore
Wallet Chaincoin
Wallet Nexus
Wallet Cannabis
Wallet NYXCoin
Wallet Commercium
Wallet Peercoin
Wallet Dash
Wallet Pigeon
Wallet Decred
Wallet Predator
Wallet Emercoin
Wallet Quix
Wallet Exosis
Wallet Quark
Wallet Espers
Wallet Raven
Wallet Einsteinium
Wallet Sinovate
Wallet Bitcoin
Wallet Dash
Wallet Digibyte
Wallet DOGEcoin
Wallet Litecoin
Wallet ZCash

Dead Cryptocoins

Wallet SUQA
Wallet Emixil
Wallet CryptoPlay
Wallet Unicorn
Blockchain Amero
Wallet Nodex
Wallet DynamoPay
Wallet FLCoin
Wallet FXRate
Blockchain Gaoncoin
Wallet Resq
Wallet DashFirst
Wallet Proton
Wallet Lotus
Blockchain NewYorkGold
Wallet Nood
Wallet Nasarium
Wallet WorldBTC
Wallet Stannum
Blockchain Endorphin
Wallet Brofist
Wallet Bluemn
Wallet Soyuz
Wallet Costly
Blockchain DEFT
Wallet Akencash
Wallet Hydroxyde
Wallet Essence
Wallet Rane
Blockchain SimpleBank
Wallet Whiff
Wallet Anodos
Blockchain MNOS
Wallet NeckBeardCryptoTips
Blockchain Somnio
Wallet Topaz
Wallet Reef
Wallet CollectibleCoin
Wallet ManageMyNode
Blockchain Xchange
Wallet Enmanet
Wallet Cryptomiles
Wallet Stelo
Wallet Huli
Blockchain Pyro
Wallet Banq
Wallet Thorus
Wallet Gwaycoin
Blockchain RNGCoin
Blockchain NeoDash
Wallet Cryptorescue
Wallet BitcoinEssence
Blockchain Cerberus
Blockchain Sigil
Blockchain Essence
Blockchain Nautilus
Blockchain Respawn
Blockchain Azart
Blockchain Zeone
Blockchain ZOON
Blockchain BPGCoin
Blockchchain BitcoinEssence
Blockchain GermanCC
Blockchain Wolftroncoin
Blockchain SuperTradeCoin
Blockchain Stelo
Blockchain Allcoinguru
Blockchain Zixx
Blockchain Celer
Blockchain Unicorn
Blockchain Tune
Blockchain Elicoin
Blockchain MNOS
42.conf file
808.conf file
Bankitz.conf file
aeon.conf file
allcoinguru.conf file
archimed.conf file
Help The Homeless conf
argentum.conf file

Why wait and waste
your time syncing 
cryptocurrencies' blockchains?



When you try to use the official wallet of some cryptocurrencies
you must wait for its synchronization for a long time

Some developers think of you and offer a bootstrap to synchronize faster
but others, no


 That is the main objective of this blockchain of cryptocoins download site:

Help you synchronize your wallets in a reasonable amount of time


Our goals:

  • synchronize faster core official wallets
  • try solo-mining or in a mining group -pool- in a very short time
  • learn to use this new technology

Blockchains Categories

Blockchains are classified by its GByte size (small, medium, large)
i.e how difficult is to get one

  • small size < 1 GB, you can directly download from a web repository   
  • large size > 5 GByou can download from a web repository or buy door to door shipping with a USB media included 
  • medium size 1 to 5 GB, you choose (what you prefer, see prices) 
email us

please CONTACT us

Thanks for your message!

© 2018-2024 by LTISA. Proudly created with

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