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when you first run a coin-qt.exe to manage your wallet


Just click to download

download the Argentum wallet (argentum-qt.exe)

at                      (Latest release v4.14.5)

download Argentum Qt-exe

Unzip in some directory you choose

files in Argentum zip

It's happening that some antivirus programs detects this program argentum-qt.exe and others as a false positive and eliminates, putting it in quarantine      -the same happens with other coin-qt.exe wallets and miners-

recover it !!

run the argentum-qt.exe, and choose default installation directory proposed, i.e.:

C or D :\users\YourUser\Appdata\Roaming\Argentum

Then you will see something like that:

Argentum wallet syncing

At first run, argentum-qt.exe generates the default directory to manage the argentum blockchain and also makes the folders blocks and chainstate there

blockchain Argentum folder
wallet.dat file in ARG folder

There, we see the most important file: wallet.dat


It is the file where your Argentum coins are saved !!!

Please, always make a backup of wallet.dat , and put it in another safe place -USB media, external drive, etc.., and the blockchain too!

Exit Argentum-qt exe




download the Argentum Blockchain provides for free in a zip file, that we called:


Copy to the default argentum directory 

copy zip ARG to folder

Unzip and extract all the folders provides (blocks and chainstate)

in to the default argentum directory

choose where to unzip

Replace all

replacing all

After finish, run Argentum-qt.exe again and wait to full sync

waiting until full sync of your ARG wallet

You will see something like that

wallet almost sync done

And finally, your synced Argentum wallet !!!

ARG wallet fully synced

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